Frequently Asked Questions

Click each dropdown question for more information.

How much will I invest in a session?

Sessions start at $2,000. I also offer cost sharing rates should your builder or architect want to use the photos as well. Please contact me for current half-day and full-day rates.

How soon can I expect to have the images from our session?

You will receive fully edited images within three weeks after our session.

How far out do I need to book?

Please reach out at least four weeks prior to your session if possible. The sooner you reach out, the more dates you'll have to choose from!

How can I be sure my investment will be worthwhile?

I know we have successfully worked together when you are happy with both the experience I provide and with the images I deliver. I ensure both outcomes by:

  • prioritizing how I communicate with you (thoroughly from start to finish),
  • showing you every shot I take on a large iPad screen (you'll leave the session knowing we got stunning photos), and
  • incorporating your input about styling and compositions during the session (my sessions are highly collaborative!).